Members Only AMET Advisory Approved Adverse Event Protocol Booklet
For members only
AMET Advisory Approved Adverse Event Protocol Booklet 2023 includes additional protocols, resources, and AMET advisory panel comments
Anaphylaxis & Signs and Symptoms Resources
Stroke HA Filler & Stroke Assessment tools
Vision Loss HA filler & Additional Adjunctive bedside therapies
Server Swelling HA filler & Important consdierations
Vascular Occlusion Hyaluronidase dosing guide & Dosing guide
Infection HA Filler & Prevention Strategies
Delayed onset nodule – HA filler & Evidence-based treatment including AMET advisory panel comments
Low-dose Hyaluronidase HA filler lumps and bumps & Resources including Overfilled and BDD patients
Botulinum Toxin Non-Responder & Resources including TGA-approved Bont-A preparations
The AMET Advisory panel consists of renowned industry experts whom are highly experienced in aesthetic complication management. Advisors are responsible for overseeing all AMET adverse event protocols to ensure these are both safe and evidenced-based
* References for all adverse event protocols are contained within the AMET members area under the Adverse Events section. This booklet is only able to be purchased by existing AMET MEMBERS. All protocols are provided as an evidenced-based guide for clinicians only. Clinicians are solely responsible for determining the suitability and implementation of any treatment. All protocols contained within reflect the best available data at the time this booklet was prepared. Results of future studies may require revisions to these recommendations and adherence to these guidelines will not ensure successful treatment in every situation.